Daily Ada Ruth Lorraine, day 2

We got through the night without mishap and with one nice 4 hour block of sleep, bookended by a pair of one hour naps. Ada Ruth continues to get more active and stronger. Her crying can be heard the length of the house and she's eating a lot more. As you may or may not know, we haven't been able to get her to latch on with any real success, so we have been supplementing with a syringe. The only nice thing about it is knowing precisely how much she is eating, which is increasing dramatically.

Another change in the last 24 came shortly after we started her on formula. She had a short period of more or less complete alertness, eyes open and craning her head to look around (a little). She's had a couple more of these periods but I haven't had a hand free with the camera. I'll work on it, I promise.

Kimberly's milk continues to come in and hopefully we will be off the syringe soon.

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