The Daily Ada Ruth Lorraine 2008.11.12.01 - Sleep, etc

Things with the kiddo are going swimmingly. She seems to have figured out breastfeeding, which was out largest concern for awhile. The next worry has been her, ah, excretory productivity, so to speak. With her (dramatically) increased intake we were expecting a similarly increased output. Additionally during our preparatory courses we were given a sheet, a checklist actually, with which we were to record the number of feedings and poopings and wet diapers, etc. It even goes so far as to list a recommended number of movements and by that list poor Ada was behind. I'm sure you will all be relieved to hear that yesterday she caught up. Yay.

Last night was an excellent night for sleep. She devoured well over three ounces of milk just before midnight and as such we had to wake her up at four to feed her again. This child shall not go hungry.



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