About A Dog(s)

Day 3 part two.

The "Lactation Consultant" has assured us that we are doing the right things. The critical tip she imparted which has made a great deal of difference, and perhaps it will sound obvious to all y'all, is making sure that Ada's lower lip is 'flanged out' and her tongue lays over her lower gums. Since learning this technique, Ada has decided that all she wants to do is breastfeed and so I have spent the morning puttering around, doing dishes, laundry and cooking (and writing more emails than I typically write in a month) while my girls play cafeteria upstairs.

In other news, not only are the dogs adjusting to Ada's presence, their behavior is changing as well. Normally when I am home they are where-ever I am. Now it would seem that their loyalties are divided. When Kimberly, Ada and I are in the bedroom, they are right at the edge of the bed. When I head downstairs, they follow about halfway, then they park themselves at the top of the stairs. I can get them to come down for food, but that's about it.

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