Daily Ada Ruth Lorraine 2008.11.15.01 - Happy birthday to me!

As you may or may not be aware, today is my birthday. I am not now, nor have I really ever been since leaving home, particularly interested in celebrating this date. It is normally just another day. But this particular anniversary is different for obvious reasons. I am grateful and euphoric and tickled by the turn my life has recently taken. And almost as though she somehow knows that today is significant for me, Ada-Ruth only woke us up once last night and let us sleep in until around 8. Trust me, that was a pretty awesome gift.

As I mentioned, Ada-Ruth slept very well last night and is quietly cuddly this morning. I don't know if it's an anomaly or she's adjusting to being out of the womb or Kimberly and I have refined our technique, but it's nice. I have to admit, hearing her cry makes me uneasy. The first thing I want to do is feed her and since Kimberly isn't always available, that isn't always an option. So I've gotten better at soothing her in other ways. Witness picture #2. Ada-Ruth, like her mother so I hear, enjoys being swung about like a football. And if you witness pic #1, laying her atop my chest is a way to get another half hour of sleep in the morning. Even when tightly swaddled she manages to scootch up to wedge her head under my chin.


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