The Calm Before the Storm

Things on the Front Range continue to develop. As mentioned in the last D.A.R.L.ing, G-Ma & G-Pa Weber arrived the other day, bearing many gifts. In exchange we have 'let' them hold Ada-Ruth non-stop, an arrangement which has made all parties pretty happy. Gramma Weber insists that Ada-Ruth herself has been smiling more so than just a brief stop in her transitory rainbow of facial expressions and Kimberly is re-learning about the outside world.

In other news, yesterday Granny Southern came up and all the girls went to High Tea. Not surprisingly, Ada-Ruth was the best dressed.

PS: Ella & Tycho remain ever vigilant. Tycho maintains a watchful gaze on the far horizon whilst Ella ensures our guests aren't about any funny business.

PPS: I think I have found my new favorite photo of my daughter...SASSY!

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