Oh bees.

It has been a long month and a half or so. After a fire tour to the U.P. and the BWCA (pix) I spent a week in Jefferson City helping teach basic wildland firefighter followed closely by a trip to Colorado Springs (pictures to come later?). Upon our return to the area I had a physical which was kinda interesting. Apparently I am only a few pounds away from being 'obese', technically speaking. I found the idea kinda laughable and easily dismissed, even when looking at this picture. Then I did a (very) little research to find out precisely what the doctors mean when they say obese. Turns out it's all about affecting health. Whilst I am currently considered overweight, I have not yet crossed the BMI threshold where my health is adversely impacted... in theory. In any instance I have decided to grow out my beard and not shave until I'm down to 200# ... or Kimberly threatens to shave it for me.